Face Surgery - Best Facelift Surgeon in Delhi

Face Surgery - Best Facelift Surgeon in Delhi

Understanding About Facelift Cosmetic Surgery


Today's generation work for longer period of time compared to our earlier generations. Most of us gain a lot of social as well as business opportunities in our later live that is in our 40's,50's and beyond. This makes us more active and does not give a much-required attention on our physical aspects. No matter what both men and women are keen to look better and younger for a longer period of time.

With advancements in techniques and technologies, one is able to reverse the effects of aging. With a number of treatment options in the category of cosmetic surgery and subcategory of the facelift in India, one is able to easily achieve a youthful appearance. Facelifts are recommended for men and women, who intend to rectify,

  • The loose of sagging skin including the fat under the chin and jaw
  • The mid-face sagging
  • The sagging areas of fat or profound facial creases
  • The nose and mouth creases
  • Sagging due to low collagen and facial muscle tone

What are the procedures involved in a Facelift?

The facelift is performed by a trained and experienced surgeon in an accredited hospital under general anesthesia. The time taken for the procedure depends on person to person and the facial structure.

There are varied types of facelift techniques available, to name a few

  • Injectable fillers of liquid face lift

A variety of fillers is used to inject for removing the creases, fold, and pump lips and also filling the hollowing areas. This is a non-surgical technique that actually delays the need for face lift surgery

  • Correction of the jaw line

This consists of the area between the jaw and the upper neck. The excess fat is removed through the process of liposuction to get and sculpt jaw line. The excess fat that is removed can be used as filler for the other parts of the face like cheeks or the mid-race area to create the required volume.

  • Traditional face life techniques

This is also known as a mini face lift wherein small incisions are made that allows the surgeon to tighten the skin and also remove the excess tissue with a motive of improving the appearance of jaw and neck. This is a less invasive procedure and does not require a lot of time and rest. The surgery can be planned for a weekend and one can get back to the normal routine from Monday onwards.

  • Mid face area lift

In this procedure, the surgeon creates small incision above the ears and even inside the mouth that enables the surgeon to reposition the fat pads of the cheeks and lighten the skin.

  • Facelift that is temporary

Men and women with drooping eyebrows or lowered eyebrows can consider this as a perfect alternative to get is corrected. The small incision created by the surgeon enables to pull the skin on both the sides of the brows.

These are few of the options available from the wide range of facial transformation that is one of the most significant parts of the cosmetic surgery. Most of these facelift surgeries in India are performed by trained and qualified surgeons. Ensure that you invest a lot of time in finding a right and appropriate technique.

There are great and renowned surgeons who offer facelift surgery in India as well as abroad. It is imperative that you consider all the reasons that are beneficial for you after a facelift and not because somebody has recommended doing so.


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Facelift Procedure to make your face even more beautiful book your appointment with BestFaceSurgeryIndia


Who is a good candidate for facelift surgery?

Facelift surgery India is popular among both men and women and this can be used to erase the signs of ageing such as saggy skin and wrinkles. Most people who have this surgery are over 40 although the surgery is done on younger people if they are suitable. Though the procedure is relatively simple not everyone is suitable for a facelift. A good candidate for facelift surgery will have good skin elasticity, a strong bone structure and loose skin on their face or neck. Get a consultation for low cost facelift surgery India with a qualified face-lift surgeon in India to know if this procedure is suitable for you.

Types of Facelift surgery:

  • Lower face and neck lift is a procedure done to target the lower third of the face including the jowls and upper neck area. While the underlying structures are tightened and the excess skin is removed.
  • Upper facelift is a procedure designed to target the upper half of the face most notably the cheeks all the way to the jowls.
  • Full facelift is a procedure in which the facial skin around the entire face is tightened. Also a neck lift is done at the same time to provide matching facial and neck results.
  • Suture neck lift involves reshaping the neck skin for a more youthful contour without skin removal.
  • Classic neck lift is a produce with primary goal to remove the excess, sagging skin from the neck region and re-establishing the sharp neck contour.
  • Lower face and neck is a procedure done to improve the look of sagging in the lower half of the face and the neck.
  • The S-lift is a procedure that works well for the patients with sagging along the jaw line and the top half of the neck.

Advantage of Facelift Surgery:

  • Firmer, tighter and fresh looking skin which will give you a younger looking appearance
  • Any wrinkles and the effects of exposure to the sun and wind have disappeared
  • The results can last for up to ten years
  • Improved facial contour
  • An intangible benefits will boost your self-esteem
  • Rejuvenates the face of older people
  • Treats the problem areas present in the lower facial regions such as the neck and jowls most effectively
  • Shows a visibly pleasing age-reducing effects
  • Reduces the deep creases between mouth and nose
  • Elevate drooping cheeks

Why travel to India for surgery?


At BestFaceSurgeryIndia we offer low cost facelift surgery India compared to any other developed countries in the world.

Best surgeons and hospitals:

The best surgeons and hospitals in India for facelift surgery offer the state of the art tertiary level care and techniques for maintaining, restoring or enhancing the appearances.

Send us a confidential enquiry by contacting us on our Email IDinfo@bestfacesurgeryindia.com or Call Us at +91-9958221983, +91-9818369662 for the low cost facelift surgery India from our highly experienced plastic and cosmetic surgeons.

To know more about Facelift Surgery India visit our Website: https://www.bestfacesurgeryindia.com

Removal of Fats and Wrinkles from Lower Facial Area by Neck Lift Surgery


Some people might have sagging skin, lines and wrinkles, uneven contours such as bumps and dumps and excessive fat deposits below the jawline. Some people might have awkward looks such as double chin due to fat deposition in upper neck. To resolve these problems, cosmetic surgeons perform neck lift surgery.

Neck lift surgery can be useful for:

  • Removing excessive fat deposits below chin
  • Relaxing the muscle band in neck area to have appropriately proportionate facial contours
  • Removing excessive sagging skin that causes lines and wrinkles on lower face area
  • Relaxation of excess fats and skin that causes jowls in lower facial areas
  • Avoiding complete facelift for the patients that have excess sagging skin and uneven contours only in their lower facial area below jawline.

Surgical Procedure:

  • Cosmetic surgeons administer local or general anesthesia for numbing the particular area or the entire body so that patients would not experience any pain during the surgery.
  • The incisions taken depend on the typical technique adapted for the surgery.
  • Usually surgeons use liposuction process to remove excess fat deposits.
  • Liposuction can be performed using cannula, ultrasonic sound frequencies or laser for loosening the excessive fat deposits.
  • Loosened excessive fats are sucked through a large syringe or a suction pump.
  • In order to lift muscle structure in lower facial area they use some other techniques
  • They can adapt endoscopic procedure, where they insert a small camera for viewing underlying muscle structure and insert tiny surgical tools for lifting muscle structure and trimming excessive fats through two other smaller incisions.
  • Surgeons prefer taking smaller incisions along the natural contours of face so that the post-surgery scars will be minimal and would not be easily visible.
  • Neck lift surgery can be performed alone or along with other cosmetic procedures to amend other facial issues. This can be performed along with brow lift for better contours around the eyes, fat transferring to allow better contours for cheeks and around the lips and eyelid surgery for removing dark circles and wrinkles around eyes.

There are many factors that determine ultimate neck lift surgery cost. It depends on amount of areas to be treated, procedure adapted for the surgery, experience of surgeon and location of his clinic in Delhi India.

KAS Medical Center

13A Palam Marg, Vasant Vihar

Delhi - 110057

Call/WhatsApp on: +91-9818369662, 9958221983/2/1

Get information: www.bestfacesurgeryindia.com

Get more: www.themedspa.us/cosmetic-surgery/neck-lift.html

Enquiry At: info@bestfacesurgeryindia.com

Cheek augmentation and reduction surgery –For better shaped and proportioned cheeks


There are many people out there who dream to have a photogenic face with well-rounded and shaped cheekbones. If this is also the case with you then cheek augmentation is the right procedure for you. For those who are not content with saggy and weak cheeks and want to have a more conspicuous cheekbone then this is the procedure which can help in obtaining this look.  It is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures in the recent times. Owing to its popularity and pleasing results that it brings along, there are many cosmetic surgery clinics which are offering this treatment.

As far as perfection of facial structure is considered, it depends principally on the outline and shape of the cheeks. The normal flawless cheek is the one that bulges to the side for about one finger breadth from the front view.  Also, it should form a distinctive peak from the side in front and beneath the eye. It is a surgical procedure that aims at accentuating the cheeks of a person’s face.

While most people love to have chubby cheeks, there are some cheeks which naturally grow to such an extent that they start resembling to those of chipmunks. The loose and sagging skin makes your face appear dull and gloomy adding years to it. There are many people who have well-built bodies because of the disciplined routine however it is their cheeks which just takes away glow from them. No exercise and diet can help in improving the appearance of cheeks.  This is when you can make the most of cheek reduction surgery, a cosmetic procedure to get rid of excess fat and skin deposits from the cheeks. 

KAS Medical Center

13A Palam Marg, Vasant Vihar

Delhi - 110057

Call/whatsapp on: +91-9818369662, 9958221983/2/1

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Get more information: www.bestfacesurgeryindia.com

Get more: www.themedspa.us/cosmetic-surgery/cheek-augmentation.html

Difference between Open Rhinoplasty and Closed Rhinoplasty


Cosmetic surgeons follow two major approaches for reshaping the nose. In open rhinoplasty surgeons take the incision along columella that is the soft tissue between the nostrils. For closed rhinoplasty incisions are taken inside the nostrils.

The difference between two procedures is not just in the way of taking incisions; however there are many other differences that allow surgeons to reshape noses in different ways.

In case of open rhinoplasty surgeons can have a clear view of underlying cartilage. At the same time surgeons can have more freedom to alter and manipulate the nasal shape with higher control and precision. This is not practically possible while incisions are taken inside the nostrils. It would be possible for surgeons to achieve better projection of nose for enlarging the shape and better suppression for sticking it more on the face by open rhinoplasty.

Cartilages that are oriented to the top of the head will have weakness on their outside portion. Endonasal approach causes roundness of tip and patients may develop a habit of pinching their nose frequently.

By adapting closed rhinoplasty surgeons can have decreased operative time. Patients would have less swelling and healing of stitches and scars after the surgery would require less time as the incisions are made beneath the nostrils. Even post-surgery scars will be invisible as they are hidden behind naturally under the nostrils. In case if a patient is operated specifically for reshaping the tip of nose, there will be almost no swelling at all when closed rhinoplasty procedure would be adapted.

However the ultimate goal of rhinoplasty is to achieve desired shape of nose. So, sometimes the patient may compromise swelling to get the desired results irrespective of pain that is experienced by him for somewhat longer duration after the surgery.

Surgeons decide on the type of procedure depending on less downtime and swelling by closed rhinoplasty and requirement of open rhinoplasty if it is required to increase the nasal structure and variant nasal anatomy.


KAS Medical Center

13A Palam Marg, Vasant Vihar

Delhi - 110057

Call/whatsapp on: +91-9818369662, 9958221983/2/1

RHINOPLASTY VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBmpekcY7zk

Get more information: www.bestfacesurgeryindia.com

Get more information: www.themedspa.us/cosmetic-surgery/nose-surgery.html

Different Things about Nose Job Rhinoplasty Surgery both Men & Women


Are you worried because of the shape and size of your nose? Do you think it is not in harmony with other facial features? If yes then rhinoplasty surgery (www.bestfacesurgeryindia.com) can help you get the desired shape and size of nose. It is one of the most popular and commonly performed procedures. The results of this surgery are pleasing. 

Is breathing trouble making your life difficult? Have you tries several alternative and non-invasive treatment options to get rid of it? Well, now is the time to consider nose surgery for functional or aesthetic problems. The surgery not only helps in improving aesthetic appearance of a person but also is the best option for treating several functional issues too.

Is it the shape of your nose that affects your overall facial appearance? Do you wish for better shape of nose? All you need to do is consult a cosmetic surgeon and find out about nose reshaping surgery. In recent years, an increasing number of people are choosing the procedure to get the right shape of nose which is in proportion with other facial features.

For women and men who are not happy with the shape and size of their nose, nose job, also known as rhinoplasty surgery offers an effective, time-tested and safe cosmetic solution. It can improve the balance of facial features so that people can discover lost confidence. It is also performed for correcting structural defects including those which trigger breathing difficulties.

Rhinoplasty is a facial procedure that is usually performed to enhance, balance or correct the appearance of the nose. If nose is too large, crooked, misshapen, malformed at birth, or deformed by an accident, rhinoplasty surgery is performed.  

Rhinoplasty or nose surgery is a surgical procedure that resizes or reshapes  the nose. Many of the concerns can be corrected with rhinoplasty, such as a visible bump on the nasal bridge, enlarged nasal tip, a nose that's off-center or crooked, or asymmetry due to a previous injury.

If your nose is long, large, crooked, or deformed by an injury and you also have a breathing problem, then it can be improved with Rhinoplasty Surgery.

Get more www.themedspa.us/cosmetic-surgery/nose-surgery.html

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Rhinoplasty for Beautiful Harmonious Nose with Other Facial Elements


Appearance of nose plays an important role in beauty. Sometimes people might have noses in somewhat odd and abnormal shapes that cause ugly looks. To amend the shape of nose and to gain a good looking nose that would match with the face and provide attractive look nose surgery would be suggested.

This is also known as Rhinoplasty. This is usually performed as an outpatient procedure by experienced cosmetic & plastic surgeon (www.bestfacesurgeryindia.com). Patients don’t even require to stay overnight in the hospital or clinic and conducting this surgical procedure would be matter of some hours. This surgery is also called as ‘nose job’ or ‘nose correction’ by patients. This surgery harmonizes the shape of face and make it proportionate according to other parts of face.

Apart from aesthetic appearance of nose, this can also solve breathing issues due to improper shape of nasal cavity that creates obstacles for breathing naturally and restricts air intake by breathing. This procedure requires adequate knowhow about the nasal structure as it is concerned about creating proper airway for breathing.

Rhinoplasty surgery can be beneficial in many ways:

  • Patients would get the nose reshaped according to proper proportion according to other facial parts for a harmonious look to face.
  • Nose width can be amended at the bridge for reducing its size. Size and positions of nostrils can be corrected to have an attractive aesthetic appearance.
  • This surgery treats for getting desired shape of nose minimizing visible humps and depressions on the bridge.
  • Surgeons even correct the shape of nose tips that would be originally enlarged, drooping, hooked or upturned. Thus patients would have considerably long and beautiful nose after surgery.
  • Nostrils with abnormally large shapes, wider appearance and wrongly inclined can be corrected through nose surgery.
  • Patients can have a symmetric nose and nasal structure that would be good in appearance and also effective for breathing process as well.

YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBmpekcY7zk

Get more www.themedspa.us/cosmetic-surgery/nose-surgery.html