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Five reasons alcohol and cosmetic surgery don’t mix


You may be tempted to toast a successful plastic surgery — or relax before the procedure — by knocking one back, but most experts wouldn’t recommend it. Not only can alcohol slow your healing time and prevent you from achieving the best possible results, it can cause several complications, too.
Here are five reasons experts say you should just say no to alcohol before and after cosmetic surgery:

1. Alcohol increases swelling

After undergoing a cosmetic surgery procedure, you’ll want swelling to subside as soon as possible. Drinking alcohol dilates your blood vessels, causing your body to swell.
Alcohol is also dehydrating, which results in your body trying to hold onto as much water as possible — and why you experience bloating after a wild night out. Your nose is especially susceptible to alcohol-related swelling following rhinoplasty, so if you want to see your new, refined nose, skip the booze for a while.

2. Alcohol boosts bleeding

All invasive surgeries require a recovery period, and alcohol only impedes this process. Alcohol thins the blood, putting post-op patients at a greater risk for bleeding and prolonged recovery.

3. Alcohol may leave you susceptible to pain

While many people turn to alcohol to cope with stress, problems and pain, it doesn’t work the same with physical pain following cosmetic surgery. According to Dr. Peter A. Aldea, a Memphis, Tennessee, plastic surgeon, frequent drinkers “may find that pain medications don’t work as well and don’t last as long as they would otherwise.”

4. Alcohol may make your medications dangerous

More than just dulling a medication’s effects, Dr. Steven Turkeltaub, a Scottsdale, Arizona, plastic surgeon warns that booze “can interact with certain medications in ways that can be detrimental and even dangerous.”
Side effects of mixing alcohol with medication may include nausea, vomiting, headaches, drowsiness, fainting and loss of coordination. It can also put you at risk for internal bleeding, heart problems and difficulty breathing. Prioritize the prescription bottle over the wine bottle.

5. Alcohol dries out your skin

What’s the use of having surgery to improve your confidence only to suffer from flaky skin? Alcohol interferes with the hormone that regulates how much urine you produce, drying out your skin.
For example, for each shot of alcohol you consume, your kidneys create about four more ounces of urine than your body would normally produce. This causes your body to flush more water, which in turn leads to dehydration and drier skin — and drinking that much extra water doesn’t counteract the effects.
For optimal results, many doctors recommend abstaining from alcohol for at least two weeks leading up to and following surgery, though this time frame varies depending on the procedure. Always ask your doctor about what is right for you, and when it might be safe for a glass of wine again.
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Reduction and Augmentation Rhinoplasty to Reshape Nose


Treatment for oversized nose:

Some people have abnormally larger noses that grab attention more than any other facial part. Noses might be bigger in overall size or might have unusual profile at a particular part. Some people have broad nostrils. Some people have issues related to tip of the nose. Either the tip of the nose is too rounded and large or it is oriented too upwards or downwards deteriorating the aesthetic appearance of nose.

Cosmetic surgery can reduce the shape and size of nose to make it appropriately proportionate with other facial parts. The surgery is clinically called as reduction rhinoplasty (www.bestfacesurgeryindia.com). Surgeons administer local anesthesia to make the patients feel drowsy and insensitive regarding the pain during the surgery.

They make smaller incisions either under nostrils or between nostrils on the soft tissue. The incision depends on access required to remove fat deposits and cartilage.

Surgeons use small surgical tools to remove fat deposits and glandular tissues from underlying areas. They don’t trim out the excess skin as it can restore its shape according to the new profile of nose after surgery.

Treatment for smaller noses:

Some people have smaller noses compared to their other facial parts resulting in odd looks as if the nose is sticking to their face. Cosmetic surgery can be performed to enlarge the size of nose to get appropriate volume and density to nose and reshape it to a bigger proportionate size. This particular cosmetic surgical procedure is known as augmentation rhinoplasty.

For increasing the size and shape of nose surgeons place some implants in the pockets made in the nose tissues. They take incisions and use various types of implants to increase the natural contours and overall volume of nose.

These surgical procedures can also be used to correct the airway for breathing to treat breathing problems as well.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBmpekcY7zk

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Cosmetic Surgery for Removing Dark Circles in Under Eye Area


There are many women that find dark circles grown around their eyes especially on under eye areas due to various reasons. This issue is usually seen in mid-aged women.

Causes of dark circles:

  • Dark circles can be result of prolonged mental stress.
  • These may occur due to heredity.
  • Due to lack of volume between upper cheek fat and lower eyelid bag dark circle might be formed.
  • Hyperpigmentation of skin can be another cause of dark circles.
  • Translucent and thin skin on lower eyelid causing visibility of underlying muscles can be a cause of dark circles as well.

Cosmetic surgeons make a thorough analysis of face and area on which dark circles are formed during the initial consultation session with the patient. There cannot be one standard method applicable for all the patients. Expert surgeons design dark circle treatment according to their diagnosis of each patient.

Surgeons can adjust the available fat deposition to form a proper proportionate volume of bridge between the lower eyelid and cheek fat. Another technique can be injecting dermal fillers in lower eyelid area for increasing the volume of underlying structure and have a plump appearance.

They take smaller incisions usually from beneath the eyes behind the lower eyelid. They make effective use of tiny surgical tools to reposition the fat deposit available in the lower eyelid to a considerably lower position. This will create a proper bridge between lower eyelid and subsequent cheek area that is attached to lower eyelid.

Thus the subsequent skin on which dark circles are formed will get a stretch or tightening and resultantly dark circles will almost disappear. This will help the patients to improve the aesthetic appearance of their face and have a youthful look.

Dark circle treatment cost (www.youtube.com/c/medspaclinic) mainly depends on surgeon’s experience, location of his clinic and procedure adapted for the surgery.

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Cleft Palate Surgery for Babies and Revision Rhinoplasty for Improved shape of Nose


A cleft is a birth defect. Babies are born with an opening in the lip and roof of the mouth (palate).  Bones and tissues of babies’ upper jaw, nose and mouth normally fuse to form the roof of the mouth or upper pallet during pregnancy. Cleft may look as a small opening in the upper lip or can be extended up to nose. Cleft might also extend into gums and affect the soft palate near the back of the throat.

Cosmetic surgeons perform cleft palate surgery of babies when they are 3-6 months old. After administering general anesthesia, surgeons use special procedures like lip adhesion or a molding plate device to bring the parts of lips closer together, before it is repaired completely. This surgery might leave a scar on the lip under the nose.

At the age of 9-12 months cosmetic surgeons repair the cleft palate by connecting the muscles of the soft palate and rearranging the tissues to close the cleft. This surgery is performed administering general anesthesia and might require a short stay in hospital for recovery and healing.

If a patient is not satisfied with the results of a nose job, surgeons can suggest going for a revision rhinoplasty after waiting for sufficient period to evaluate the results of earlier surgery. Usually a patient is asked to wait for at least a year for healing the scars.

This procedure might be different for every patient depending on the specific area of the nose to be treated and amount of amendment expected. Surgeons perform revision rhinoplasty administering general anesthesia, local anesthesia or sedation. This takes usually longer periods than primary rhinoplasty.

Surgeons try to recreate the symmetry of nose by adding or removing cartilage. This helps in opening the airway and achieving better shape of nose. Surgeons usually take incisions inside the nostrils and perform the reshaping of specific part of nose.

Tag: nose surgery in Delhi, rhinoplasty surgery cost in Delhi, nose job in India, nose reshaping in Delhi, Dr Ajaya Kashyap cosmetic & plastic surgeon in Delhi

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Removal of excess Cheek Fat by Cheek reduction and Increase in Cheek Volume through Cheek Augmentation


Proper proportion of shape and volume of cheeks is essential to have a better facial appearance. Some people might have abnormally grown fatty, bouncy cheeks that do not match in proportion with other facial parts. Excess fat deposits on cheek can lead to an odd look. On the contrary some people might have a flat face. There might not be proper amount of volume and contour to their cheeks. This is also problematic as far as better facial appearance is concerned.

In order to gain the proper volume and contour to flat or dumpy cheeks cosmetic surgeons perform cheek augmentation. This is a cosmetic surgical procedure that adds the necessary amount of volume to cheek area by placing suitable implants.

There can be various techniques that the expert cosmetic surgeons might use to increase the volume of cheek area substantially.

  • They can implant patient’s own fat to get the desired shape of cheeks.
  • They can inject fillers in the cheek area to get a plump look.
  • They can also amend the cheek bone by adding solid implants to correct the shape of cheek bone.

As a result patients would get increased volume of cheeks that would be in a proper proportion with other facial parts. This procedure can completely change the way a person looks by allowing him/her to get fuller, plump cheeks.

For reducing the overall shape and volume of cheeks cosmetic surgeons perform cheek reduction. This procedure is clinically known as Buccal fat removal. These are fat pads that are deposited in lower areas of cheek. These fat pads create a chubby appearance of cheeks that are not in proportion with other facial parts.

Surgeons administer local anesthesia in order to numb the particular part for pain relief. They take smaller incisions inside the face usually between the gums and cheeks. This provides them required access for removal of Buccal fat pads. They skillfully apply external pressure on the cheek bone so that the excess fat deposit on lower cheek area would gradually come out through the incisions made. Finally surgeons take out the protruded fat with surgical tools and stitch the incisions.

Thus patients would have reduced cheek contours in proper proportion with other facial parts and an all new look.

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Youthful Appearance and Plump Facial Skin by Facelift Surgery


Facial skin can lose its tightness and texture due to various reasons. There might be visible signs of ageing such as lines and wrinkles, and sagging and inelastic skin on facial parts due to reasons such as weight fluctuation and heredity.

Cosmetic surgeons can perform facelift surgery in order to tighten the facial skin and patients would have much younger appearance, asymmetry of facial contours and a supple and plump looking skin as the result of this surgical treatment.

There cannot be a single standard procedure for all the patients. During the consulting session surgeons thoroughly study the facial structure and overlying skin patterns of a particular patient and design a surgical procedure for partial or complete facelift undertaking different surgical techniques and procedures in order to lift the facial skin, tighten it and fix it by stitches.

Usually, after deciding the particular area to be treated, surgeons take incisions below ears along the natural lines so that the scars of stitches would be least visible after the surgery. They use special surgical tools for lifting underlying muscular structure and removal of excess fat tissues. Depending on the amount of sagging skin surgeons adapt various procedures for facelift.

If the amount of sagging skin is less and if it is required to lift the muscle structure, they use endoscopic method in which they insert a small camera to view the underlying structure through a small incision and they insert surgical tools from two other small incisions for cutting excess fat tissue and lifting the muscle structure to get the desired contour. Overlying sagging skin is stretched and after trimming out additional skin they will stitch the incisions.

In another procedure known as cutaneous facelift they take a long incision along the natural hair line. They lift the entire facial skin, stretch it and place it higher up so that all the wrinkles and sagging skin would almost disappear. This procedure involves less risk as there will be no alteration to muscle structure and veins and nerves.

SMAS facelift is a procedure used to tighten the muscle structure and removal of excessive skin.

Facelift surgery cost depends on the amount of sagging and inelastic skin, procedure adapted for the surgery and experience of the surgeon.

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Source: https://www.bestliposuctionindia.com/blog/youthful-appearance-and-plump-facial-skin-by-facelift-surgery.html

Nose Job For Getting Proportionate Shape of Nose And Correction Of Airway


Reasons for nose job:

  • Large sized broad noses spoil the aesthetic appearance of the entire face. These noses draw the attention more than other facial parts. People tend to hide their noses and also try to avoid being photographed due to unusual shapes of their noses.
  • Some people have extremely small noses. These are not in proper proportion with other facial parts and appear as if they are attached to the face. This causes lack of self-confidence as the appearance would not be pleasant.
  • Some people might have issues with particular parts of nose. Broader or spread nostrils, tip of the nose that is larger or rounder, tip of the nose facing downwards making the nose look like a beak or tip of nose facing too upwards might be some of the issues related to specific nasal parts.
  • Some people have abnormally grown tissues and fat deposits that cause obstacles in the natural airway for breathing. Patients face several breathing issues and cannot inhale the required amount of air to keep the entire body energetic and healthy.

Cosmetic surgery can resolve all these problems and make the desired correction to the shape and size of nose, particular parts of nose and correct the airway for breathing as well.

Cosmetic surgery for nose reshaping is clinically known as rhinoplasty. Surgeons thoroughly diagnose the shape, size and profile of existing nose and design a surgical process to tackle the exact problem.

Surgeons perform nose job according to the need for reshaping. For enlarging the shape of nose they take incisions and place suitable implants in the pockets made in underlying nose tissues.

To reduce the shape and size of nose surgeons take the small incisions and remove excess fat deposits, glandular tissues and cartilage and make the nose look smaller and in proper proportion with other facial parts.

Similarly to correct the airway surgeons repair the nasal structure appropriately to enlarge the path of airway removing obstacles through highly skilled surgical procedure.

Rhinoplasty cost depends mainly on experience and expertise of surgeon, location of his clinic, anesthesia charges, charges for usage of hospital and equipment and prescribed medication for pain relief and healing.

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Source: http://www.sooperarticles.com/authors/574145/dr-ajayakashyap.html