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Face Surgery - Best Facelift Surgeon in Delhi

Lip Augmentation Surgery to Enlarge the Size of Lips by Injecting Fillers


Lips are important facial parts as they are natural enclosures to our mouth and are also important for our speech because they help us in pronouncing some sounds. Some people might have lips that are very small in size and do not match in proportion with other facial parts. Such smaller lips can spoil the aesthetic appearance of the entire face.

It is possible to increase the size of lips in terms of volume and a better contour by cosmetic surgery. Surgeons perform lip augmentation surgery to enlarge the overall size and shape of patient’s lips. Surgeons use hyaluronic dermal fillers that are derived from human body. Rather than other types of fillers these dermal fillers are extensively used for various reasons:

  • Hyaluronic dermal fillers are natural substances derived from human body
  • Due to these fillers allergic reactions are very less or almost none.
  • These dermal fillers cause very less or almost no swelling during and after the treatment.
  • Instead of injecting fillers in a single injection, surgeons can design a schedule to attain the results gradually.
  • These fillers contribute in increasing proper volume and provide sufficient density so that the increased size of lips would also look natural after the treatment.
  • These dermal fillers can also be injected around the lips on adjacent parts of mouth to get the desired harmonious contour of face after the treatment.
  • The effect of these hyaluronic dermal fillers may not be permanent. But patients can expect long lasting results than other types of dermal fillers such as collagen.
  • Lip augmentation by injecting hyaluronic dermal fillers is a safer way compared to other fillers as there would be no reactions, swelling and comparatively less downtime would be required for recovery.
  • The amount of substance to be injected can be controlled in a better way so that surgeons can have a better control on volume addition and reshaping of smaller lips.

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Lip reduction http://www.themedspa.us/cosmetic-surgery/lip-reduction.html

Blepharoplasty for Removing Excess Fat & Skin from Eyelids


Some people may have excess sagging skin around the eyes. Even excess bagginess is seen in lower eyelids of some people. This is due to excess fat depositions and absence of the correct bridge between cheek fat and lower eyelids. Cosmetic surgeons perform eyelid surgery that is clinically known as blepharoplasty to remove excess sagging skin on upper eyelids and to adjust the fat deposits on the lower eyelids to get rid of bagginess of the particular part.

This surgery is usually done for cosmetic reasons. Sometimes sagginess of skin in the upper eyelids causes obstacle in vision for older people. This issue can also be corrected by removing the excess skin. To have other facial issues such as dark circles, wrinkles and cow’s feet this surgery can be performed in combination with laser resurfacing and forehead lifts.

Blepharoplasty surgeon use local anesthesia by injecting pain killer around eyes along with oral sedation. The surgery would take around two hours if both upper and lower eyelid is to be operated.

For upper lids surgeon take smaller incisions along the natural line of the eyelid. Then they separate the skin from fat deposits using tiny surgical tools and remove excess fat and the skin. Later they stitch the incisions with smaller stitches that remain for 3-6 days.

For lower lids surgeons take smaller incisions inside the lids at the bottom of eyes that are not visible. Surgeons use erbium laser to soften the fine lines appearing on lower eyelids. In order to remove excess fat or to adjust the available fat in a bit lower area to reduce bagginess, surgeons take incisions along the eyelash margin. In some cases instead of removing fat they change the placement of fat deposit to reduce pouch like hump below eyes and to gain the proper shape for the bridge between lower eyelids and cheek fat.

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Tips for Nose Job Surgery Recovery by BestFaceSurgeryIndia.Com


A nose job or a rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure which is done for both medical and cosmetic reasons. It can be done to improve normal functioning like breathing and olfactory functions. It may also be done to enhance the appearance or to correct defects caused by injury, disease or birth defects. People should not undergo rhinoplasty till the nose has stopped growing, which happens at about the age of 17. The basic skeletal framework of the nose cannot be altered but flaws in the structure can be fixed.


The surgery is performed under general anesthesia. Incisions are made on the inside of the nasal cavity and the soft tissue is separated from the skin. The tissues are re-shaped and the excess tissue is removed. The incisions are then stitched and a supportive tube is inserted so that the corrected tissues are not displaced till they are healed.

Post-surgical Care and Recovery

  1. There may be slight swelling and fluid discharge for a few days after the operation. The swelling might make the nose look distorted, so the results of the surgery can be seen only after the nose heals completely.
  2. Pain medication is prescribed and if taken correctly, there is hardly any healing pain.
  3. There is a small splint attached to the nose to help it heal correctly and some packing under the nose to soak the blood, in case there is minor bleeding.
  4. There may be slight breathing difficulties till the stitches and splint are removed.
  5. Glasses cannot be worn for a few weeks till the new nose is perfectly set and the tubes and splint are removed.
  6. The head is to be kept higher than the body while lying down for a few weeks.
  7. The speaking voice may sound nasal for a few months after the operation.

RHINOPLASTY VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBmpekcY7zk

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Source: lybrate.com

Rhinoplasty: After Care Tips by BestFaceSurgeryIndia.Com


With cosmetic surgery, today, it is possible to reshape the contours of your face anyway you like. Rhinoplasty is one of the most common types of cosmetic surgeries. This is a surgery to restructure the shape and size of your nose. This procedure can be done under local or general anesthesia. Depending on the amount of restructuring needed, the surgery can be performed as an outpatient procedure or may require an overnight stay at the hospital. 

To change the structure of the nose, the surgeon makes an incision on the nose to access the bones and cartilage. This incision can be made inside the nose to keep the scar from being visible after surgery. Depending on how the nose is to be structured, bone and cartilage may be removed or tissue from another part of the body may be added. Once this is done, skin and tissue is re-draped over the bone structure. A splint is added outside the nose to support it while it heals. 

This splint and internal dressings remain in place for about a week. The area around your nose and eyes will also feel swollen and appear bruised. This swelling and bruising will take at least a fortnight to subside. The swelling may make your nose feel congested and cause slight bleeding and drainage of mucus. Cold compresses and pain medication can help relieve the discomfort. 

Here are a few other tips to help speed up the healing process:

  • Keep your head elevated and relatively still for a few days after the surgery
  • Take bucket baths instead of showers while the nose is bandaged
  • Avoid blowing your nose
  • Avoid making extreme facial expressions
  • Limit movement of the upper lip by brushing your teeth gently
  • Eat fiber rich foods to avoid constipation
  • Avoid wearing clothes that need to be pulled over your head and instead wear front closing clothes
  • Avoid strenuous activities like aerobics and jogging
  • Do not wear sunglasses or spectacles that put pressure on your nose for at least a month
  • Protect your nose from the sun by using sunscreen whenever outdoors
  • Limit your salt intake

To be completely satisfied with the results of your rhinoplasty surgery, will require patience. It can take a few months for the cartilage and tissues to settle into place. It is also necessary for you and your doctor to be aligned as to the kind of correction needed.

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Five Facts You Never Knew About Plastic Surgery


Plastic Surgery is a speciality that deals with reconstruction, alteration and restoration of certain parts in the human body. It improves a person's appearance and may also help in improving the functionality of various body parts. It can be classified as either re-constructive or cosmetic Surgery:

  1. Re-constructive Surgery: These types of surgeries are used to correct various defects in the body such as injuries as a result of trauma, physical birth defects, deformities in the ear and cleft lips.
  2. Cosmetic Surgery: Cosmetic Surgery is used to modify a part of the body for cosmetic reasons. The most common cosmetic surgery procedures are reconstructing the nose, removing fat from certain parts of the body and reshaping the breasts.

Outlined below are 5 facts about plastic surgery:


  1. Liposuction is popular among males:The most common plastic surgery among men is liposuction. So far, out of the 1 million plastic surgeries that men have undergone, most have been liposuction. The other popular cosmetic surgeries for men are face lifts and Rhinoplasty.
  2. 35-50 year old undergo the maximum number of plastic surgeries.In 2014, over 4 million procedures were performed on people whose ages were in the range of 35-50 years. The most common concerns were sagging skin and fine lines. Liposuction was the most popular surgery in this age group.
  3. Most women opt for breast augmentation:Breast augmentation often requires correcting various issues such as post-op sagging and various other tweaks like modifying the size of the implants. The number of revisions in breast surgeries has actually gone up compared to the initial breast surgeries.
  4. Asian double eyelid surgery:A surgery where the eyelids are altered to make your eyes look bigger and attractive. It is a popular surgery among Asian women.

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Four Preparations for Facial Plastic Surgery


Facial surgery can be opted by people for a number of reasons, and these include being born with facial impairments like cleft lip, birthmark or other birth defects, the effects of aging, sun damage or other facial traumas that are noticeable on the face as well as a sense of general dissatisfaction with your facial features. Depending on these factors, facial plastic surgery can be divided into two categories - reconstructive and cosmetic.

Reconstructive plastic surgery is performed for correcting conditions that may be present from birth, including birthmarks on the face, cleft lip and palate, protruding ears and a crooked smile. Conditions resulting from accidents, traumas or burns are also corrected by this type of surgery.

Cosmetic facial plastic surgery is performed to enhance visual appearance of facial structures and features which include facelifts, eye lifts, rhinoplasty, cheek and chin implants and liposuction

If you are planning to get a facial surgery done, there are certain things you need to do to prepare yourself for it. These are:

  1. Schedule a surgery when you are healthy
    If you are planning for either of the surgeries, try to schedule it during a period of relatively good health. Your immune system will have the best chance towards a speedy recovery. Scheduling the surgery at the year-end is ideal when you can take a few days off with paid vacation time. 

    2. Get enough essential nutrients
    Your diet, before and after the surgery should be rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, zinc, copper and selenium. They help the wound to heal quickly and in building your immunity, thereby reducing the chances of an infection. You can recover from more comprehensive procedures like tummy tuck, facelift or liposuction by including the requisite nutrients in your diet. 

    3. Protein intake
    Calories and protein are the two most healing elements. Extra protein will help to build new tissue and blood vessels, repair injured tissue and increase production of cells that heal the wound. Choose high quality protein sources like fish, poultry, beans, legumes and meat. 

    4. Stay hydrated 
    Consuming 6-8 glasses on the day prior to the surgery is very important to help cleanse and hydrate the body. Since fluid intake is reduced on the day of surgery, water intake is especially important prior to the surgery. To avoid complications during surgery, ensure that you do not drink anything after midnight the night prior to your surgery, unless advised by your surgeon.

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Know about breast surgery www.bestbreastsurgeryindia.com

Describe Risk Factors of Nose Surgery by Dr. Ajaya Kashyap!


A nose surgery (rhinoplasty) is performed to remove polyps and other blockages, alter the structure and shape of your nose and improve its function and or appearance. Here are a few things you should know about nose surgeries:

Deciding on surgery: Before deciding on undergoing nose surgery, consult with your doctor regarding issues related to your nose. Your doctor will check your problems and judge whether or not surgery is a feasible option. It is only with your doctor's confirmation that you should go for the surgery.

The procedure: The surgery is done either with local anesthesia (your nose and surrounding areas will be numbed) or general anesthesia (you will fall asleep). The surgeon will make incisions in your nostrils and base of the nose and alter the shape, structure and position of the cartilages in your nose for appealing shape and better functionality. Polyp removal is also done by rhinoplasty.

Recovery: After the surgery you will be required to wear a nose splint. You can expect swelling around the eyes, which will begin to subside after the third day. Swelling in the nose will go away after six months. Therefore, do not expect to see your results immediately, final condition of your nose will be apparent after the recovery period is over.

  • You should avoid strenuous activity for three to six weeks.
  • Do not smoke or drink alcohol during recovery. Smoking slows recovery time and alcohol reduces normal effects of drugs.

Will you develop scars?

As with all cosmetic procedures, rhinoplasty can leave scars. In closed rhinoplasty, incisions are made inside the nostrils and hence there is no scarring. In open rhinoplasty, an additional cut is made along the columella and this may result in scarring. However, the position of the scar is such that it is almost unnoticeable.

Risks: Any surgical procedure has certain risks. These risks associated with nose surgery include:

  1. Infection
  2. Adverse effect to anesthesia
  3. Unfavorable outcome
  4. Visible scarring
  5. Numbness
  6. Difficulty in breathing
  7. Chronic nosebleed
  8. A perforated septum
  9. Haematoma
  10. Bursting of blood vessels
  11. Nervous damage
  12. Possibility of revision surgery


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